We have a new name! Browserbear is now Roborabbit

How do I navigate and click links or buttons?

Use the Click action along with a CSS Selector or the config info of the element using Browserbear Helper to perform a click.

  1. Head to your Task
  2. Add the Click action
  3. Use the Browserbear Helper to select the link/button element and copy the Xpath data to the Helper field
  4. Hit Save

The Helper field expects either a CSS Selector or Browserbear Helper config. Below is an example of a Browserbear Helper config, which contains both the Xpath and Element data.

Below is an example of a CSS Selector being used, instead of the above Browserbear Helper config.

Note: Consider adding a Wait action as a follow-up to the give the page some time to load after clicking a link.

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